Friday, March 7, 2008

Spring Forward!

I don't know what happens in the rest of the world, but Saturday night (actually at 2AM Sunday morning) we lose an hour here. So it will again be dark when I wake up on Sunday morning. But the plus is that it will be light outside longer now.

Set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed Saturday night. Otherwise, on Sunday morning you'll wonder why every one is leaving as you're arriving at church.

Oh yeah. It wouldn't hurt to hit the sack an our early, too. If you don't, you'll be tempted to make up for that lost sleep while we pastor-types are trying to say something we hope is worthwhile and life changing to you.


CJolly said...

It's 5:50 Sun. AM. Yesterday this time was 4:50. I went to bed early last night and the night before. It still hurts.....

Rick Lawrenson said...

(At least we know Josh doesn't read my blog.)