Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dual citizenship

Did you see the movie "Witness" with Harrison Ford and Kelly McGinnis? He was a Philadelphia cop who went into hiding among the Amish community of PA. He tried to fit in and be incognito, but he had a real hard time. There was too much from "his world" that clashed with the simple life of the Amish. The tension of the plot involved his falling in love with an Amish woman who would not consider leaving her world for his. And in the end, he could not stay in her world.

Peter, in the Bible writes that Christ followers have a citizenship in heaven, even though we're living here and now as pilgrims and sojourners - aliens and temporary residents.

When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense and explains why Christians struggle. We're being pulled by the gravity of this "world", while at the same time knowing our allegiance is to the King of another "world". And we find that the two worlds clash constantly, requiring us to make choices that are often disappointing and difficult to others - depending on where their hearts reside.

It raises lots of questions about personal rights and freedoms. And we have to ultimately make a choice as to which residence is going to be our primary home. Do I live for now with what the world's values tell me are acceptable and wait for later to adjust my values and consequently my behaviors when there will really be no choice, or do I live today as though the Kingdom is here and now, realizing that I may often be swimming against the current?

Here's a hint: our calling as Jesus' subjects (it is a kingdom, remember) is to "be Holy as He is Holy". "Be" implies what I am now, not later. Is that easy? Not for me, how about you? Is it obtainable? Must be, or God wouldn't have said it so often. Does it make a difference? What do you think?

It should.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I find it amazing how often you write about something that I've mulling over recently. I just wanted you to know that God uses you and your blog in a mighty way.

Thank you.