Thursday, March 6, 2008

And More Larry Norman...

"That's what I try to encourage people to do, to become the complete person that Christ has made them. Not to attempt to be 'strong' Christians, but to be weak in Christ, so that He can be strong in us. In Christ, our strengths become weaknesses, but our weaknesses become strengths. We should try to die daily unto self and live unto God, rather than try to be 'victorious' in every situation, claiming victory, prosperity and success for our endeavours. I think we should be busy dying and not so busy claiming."

Getting back to the basics.


CJolly said...

That is a great thought to start the day with.

Karen said...

Mark Lowry doesn't seem to know why Larry Norman isn't on Gaither Homecoming video, either that or he just doesn't want to tell a complete stranger. Go figure.

Rick Lawrenson said...

I know you couldn't see my tongue in my cheek when I wrote that, but it's pretty obvious why Larry wasn't ever invited to one of BG's homecomings!

They were miles apart in most every way but perhaps their love for the Lord.

marcia said...

However, I am pretty sure I remember the Gaither Trio singing "Sweet, Sweet Song of Salvation" on one of their albums back in the mid 70's. I laughed at the one YouTube clip when LN quipped something like "there were some Christians singing my songs...until they realized who wrote them"!!! :):) I must admit I did not know who LN was until you have honored him in this place. I guess I was more into raising babies and listening to the calming effects of the Gaithers(and later, their Vocal Band...loved those guys in the day!) and Doug Oldham at that stage of my life! Never could identify at all, though, with most of the other "Homecoming" crowd. It seems to me, that in their own very distinct and different styles, the Gaithers and LN both served to transition different segments and musical styles into what has become CCM with it's varying Praise and Worship, Rap, and Metal sounds of today. Just the observations of a gal from the 60's who has a Vineyard pastor for a SIL, and DIL who leads worship in a mainline denomination, and a 13 y.o. grandson who loves music that Andy is probably much more familiar with than I am!
Just an aside, here. Last weekend two of our children and their spouses and five of our grandchildren attended a Peder Eide Taste Worship workshop at one of their churches while my hubby and I got to play with five pre-schoolers who didn't go with them. In the midst of a rousing worship song at the conference, our six-yer-old grandson turned to his Mom and said, "Satan doesn't like this, does he Mom?" "...out of the mouths of babes..." His name is Solomon and he is already living up to his name :) But that is the bottom line, IMO... God created all of us unique people to worship Him in our own ways, and He loves every bit of it....and Satan doesn't! :) (she says as she steps off soapbox!)

Rick Lawrenson said...

Most likely LN was referring to "I Wish We'd All Been Ready", which was part of the early '70's film "A Thief in the Night", which was wildly popular among churches and youth groups.

The song worked, and very conservative church youth groups were singing it, although they (we) didn't know at the time it was a LN song!