Christ-followers are by commission from Christ people on a mission. In its simplest form that means that we represent Him to the world in which God has placed us. Our words and likely more importantly our actions and the attitudes we display send signals to those around us about the reality of our faith. It's not something we should take lightly, especially since being light in the world is a major reason we were called to follow Him.
With that in mind, it stands to reason that God has given each of us opportunities, unique to our location and relationships to send those signals. Call it your platform. Your life, no matter how insignificant you may deem it to be, has the potential to influence others. And sometimes God will greatly expand that platform.
The image on this post is just one example of how God widens a circle of influence. Having your story picked up by media guarantees more people than normally typical will be exposed to yur values, faith and message. How you use that widening influence is up to you.
You and I who are His followers, Jesus said, are a city set on a hill.
Shine the light.
Love your post man. I am amazed by all the attention your family is getting, it is a wonderful thing. I keep up with both blogs everyday. In fact, you converted me to this blogspot. I am at morejourney.blogspot.com
I have a question regarding your term "christ-follower". I have seen you use "christian" as well. Just out of curiosity, do you have something against the term christian? Some people these days seem to shy away from the word and I am confused by that. I suppose you have seen the apple-esq adds on GodTube that poke fun at the whole christian/christ-follower deal. Me personally, I feel I have been called to be more than just a follower. At this point in my life, christ lives in me and consumes me, yes, I still sin, but the follower idea just doesn't seem enough. He is not #1 in my life, He IS my life. I can't do anything that doesn't include him. Maybe it's the TBT in me, but, it seems people are embarrassed to be called Christian these days. Baptist's are taking the Baptist out of their names and everyone seems to do all they can to disassociate. I totally realize we as a "church" have done a miserable job this generation representing Jesus but I just don't see changing our name as the answer. Just a thought.
I think that was a very ellegant post. Most of your posts just make me laugh or think but that one just proved how well you weild your sword.
I want to comment on Bill's comment. I am a Christian, but I live a funky, artsy life. Many, probably most, of my friends do not believe in God at all. When they hear the word "Christian" it conjures up the thought of televangelists who only want money, or people in Sunday dresses who think they are "holier than thou." Unfortunately, the word has gathered a rather negative connotation with those who don't believe.
So, I keep a low profile. I don't advertise myself as a "CHRISTIAN." Yet my friends have come to know in subtle ways that I pray, that I believe in God, that he is a big part of my life. This seems to reach them, even if in tiny ways. If I was too in their face about it, it would turn them off entirely.
So, I think it really helps to leave the rhetoric behind, and let your actions and small things speak.
I would really like to hear what Rick's opinion is on all this. I really enjoy this blog, having found this by reading about Tricia.
Beautiful post. You and your family have done an amazing job of demonstrating the Lord's goodness even in times of great pain. There are so many of us out here who have been encouraged by your lives and marvelous testimonies.
You ask some great questions. What I want to do use your question(s) as impetus for some posting I'll do this week.
You're right. "Christian" means one thing to "Christians" but to non-Christians it can mean something completely different.
More later. Good conversation!
Sounds good, I look forward to reading.
I will say, where I am currently located "Christians" are actually treated with respect. Most people would not believe that but I see it as true. That does not mean all the muslims are going to convert just because they respect christians. However, I don't know if they would even understand the term "christ-follower".
Dogsdontpurr, I agree, I keep a low profile as well but sooner or later people will gather evidence and someone once asked me if I were on trial, would there be enough evidence to convict me of being a christian, that really challenged me to examine my life and I decided I wanted there to be more evidence. That doesn't mean I have to be an "in your face" christian which I never want to be. But, I don't want to be an undercover christian either. I just think we, as christians or christ-followers, need to change our behaviors so the "public" will change their "connotation". The name really doesn't matter.
Amen and Amen! Let that light shine on!!! I followed a link from Confessions and I sure am glad I did...
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