A year ago today our youngest daughter married. Her husband Ramon is quite the romantic, proposing to her in between worship gatherings by taking her up on Jockey's Ridge (next door to our church) where he had spelled out his proposal in the sand. Their's was the first wedding in our new church facility, too.
I also had the joy of leading Ramon to faith in Christ when he stopped by our house one day to ask my permission to date Rachel. Yes, you read that right. So, not only is he my son-in-law, he's my son in the faith as well.
Both are actively involved in ministry in our church. She is a member of the Milepost 13 Band, leading worship at our gatherings. He is a member of our youth ministry team and leads a small group, too. I'm proud of you both!
Enjoy your special day! Too bad you already ate the top of the cake!!
You can read the story of both of our daughters' weddings in the The Outer Banks Wedding Guide, where their stories were a feature article.
That's so awesome that you got to help lead your future son-in-law to the Lord! How cool is God?
Your daughter is stunning!
You know, when you have a smokin' hot mom, even if you have a goofy looking dad somehow the kids turn out looking great!
I just read the story of your two weddings in one year. We also did two weddings. Our daughter graduated college May 20 (2006) and got married on May 27. Our son got married 4 weeks later. We live in NW Arkansas, but since they both grew up in Nashville, Tenn. they wanted to get married there. So we planned two long-distance weddings. Fortunately we had friends in Nashville who were willing to let us turn their home into "Wedding Central." I'm glad we only have two children. :P
I agree with Rhea that it's awesome that you got to lead to your son-in-law to the Lord.
GREAT comment about your wife! BONUS POINTS for you!
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