Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday Flashback

Long day today! After the usual morning worship gatherings and some after church fellowshipping, I grabbed some lunch at the pier then headed back for my "Discovering Nags Head Church" class from 3-7.

At 7:00 5 young adults with Bike and Build arrived. We'll be hosting their group this week before they take off from Nags Head and pedal to San Diego. Eventually there will be over 30 of them. We're feeding them a home-cooked covered dish dinner Thursday night.

This morning went well, even though we had a couple of rough spots in transitions between teaching and songs and in some of our slides. We'll work to improve on those kinds of things. Yet, I heard good comments on the message and how we worked the songs in with the points. For newer folks that was a different experience.

One of the songs was new to us. "What if the church prayed?" (or something like that). It had a line in it about us going to Jesus instead of Oprah for life's answers. I've never heard it before and when it got to that line, I couldn't help myself. I jumped up from my chair and applauded loudly, yelling, "Yeah!!". I think I must have scared Bari sitting next to me.

Thanks to Grits Grill for the overflowing abundance of Krispy Kreme donuts today!! 20 dozen. We even had a few left over. Patrick and Grits Grill donate donuts to us every weekend. So if you're in need of a breakfast or lunch place in Nags Head, be sure to show your appreciation and have a great meal at the same time.

Today there was a SkyJack lift situated up at the front left of the stage. We're in the process of adding some new stage lights this week. Since we've moved into this building our stage has lacked good lighting. It will be great to see the band illuminated! (I'm sure it will also warm up a bit up there as well.)

Our new series we started today is called "What If?" and will be a combination look at 2 Peter 1:1-9 and stories that illustrate those character qualities from the life of Jesus. Today was "What If I Knew Jesus Better?" Next Sunday will be "What if I totally trusted God?".

After this afternoon's DNHC class we've got 8 new folks applying to become partners in our fellowship. The church rock's on! And this was an older than average group, which means we haven't chased all the more mature folks away! They were a great class.

Just getting to Sunday, after last week's craziness was a relief. Now we get to start it all over! And next weekend is Memorial Day weekend, which here on the OBX means a population explosion!

Check out Andy's blog for a post on his worship experience this morning! He asks some great questions.


Apple said...

"Older than average?" "Mature?" Well, can I be insulted and flattered all at the same time? haha Just kidding. Thanks for a great class, the 4 hours breezed by.

And, yes, Andy did ask some very interesting questions that had me trying to remember whether I was clicking my pen or not. :)

Terry Gray Sr. said...

Rick, I really enjoyed your message today. I did not get chance to tell you how on target I thought it was, especially for me, or how great it was delivered. I know that there were several points that answered some of my questions, and I think todays service was one the best I have been to.

The band rocked today, they did good!

CJolly said...

The "Oprah" line in What If His People Prayed sparked a reaction from both groups like I've never seen before. I loved it! People do get it!

Yeah, transitions were a little slow, and that shouldn't be too hard to remedy, but the message was great!!

We are really looking forward to the new lighting. Bud may finally be warm!

John and Michelle said...

If I lived in the OBX, or even close to it, I'm sure I would love your church. You all seem to get it. Especially you seem to get BEING REAL. I think too many people, especially in churches, are wearing their masks and you guys seem, at least by your blogs, to get what it means to be real. Thanks! You're church sounds amazing.

How is your wife's hand? I hope she is healing well and getting ready to be grandma! (Found your blog from Nate's and am addicted to his, yours and Andy's.)

Unknown said...

Hey, I will see you on Sept 7th. It will be our third trip to the OBX. Found you via Apple's post on Amanda's blog.