Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday Flashback

Long busy day! In fact, long busy weekend.

I'll write about our Making Marriage Work weekend later.

Today was the first Sunday of the month, which for us means a 3rd worship gathering in the evening that includes communion and a covered dish meal.

I've begun meeting with guests in our gatherings afterward just to chat for a few minutes and get some feedback from them. That's always enlightening and encouraging. Compliments are always given about our church's friendliness, and that goes a long way.

After the second gathering I had to ask folks to leave the auditorium so I could meet with these folks. It's pretty amazing to be in a church where people arrive early and aren't in a hurry to leave when it's done. They just like being together.

Today I finished the series "Gear Up". We spent 9 weeks looking at the subject of doing spiritual warfare and God's armor. Today wrapped it up with a look at the role prayer plays in the life of a believer. Next Sunday we'll do a family themed message for Mother's Day, then I'll start a new series on the character qualities of Jesus called "What If?" (what if these were in my life, too?).

Our communion fellowship night was a time for the men to do all the cooking. There was an abundance of food, lots of meat and pasta dishes, and some pretty tasty stuff! Andy read the crucifixion story and our band did super leading us in singing about our Redeemer.

It's always fun to see who shows up early and stays late to set up and reset the auditorium. We eat right in the same room where we do worship gatherings. It was intentionally designed as a multi-purpose room. So in come the tables, then out they go! Church is about teamwork, isn't it?

After a week with no time off, I'm looking forward to taking a quick trip later this week with Gail to Durham to visit our grandaughter and her parents.


00 said...


When you do your Sunday night service, is it a sort of "shortened" service that's basically all about communion, or would you say that it's just like a Sunday morning service (emphasis on sermon) PLUS communion??

Just interests me how different local churches "do" church, especially when it comes to their weekly meetings.

Rick Lawrenson said...

Our communion gatherings are all about communion. One of our pastors will lead it, typically bringing a message from the Bible that relates to communion and how we can apply it to our lives.

Usually there's singing. Sometimes there is time for congregational prayer. And part of it is a meal.

So it's not just like Sunday morning, and lasts about 2 hours.

Apple said...

Laughing at the last sentence..."our grandaughter and her parents." *sigh* Isn't that just the way it is when grandchildren move-in? Have so much fun cuddling that baby girl and be sure to tell your daughter-in-law and son what a fantastic job they are doing raising her and how you are quite sure that there are no other parents in the world who could do quite as good a job. :)

Rick Lawrenson said...

Those words were intentionally chosen!

Apple said...

I figured as parents like to pick on me too.

marie said...

Andy did a nice job of leading communion last night. MP 13 Band sounded great. One thing is for sure that it is never boring or routine at NHC.
I would also like to compliment Ladybug and JT for their efforts in beautifying the tables!

Rick Lawrenson said...

That revealed a fundamental difference between male and female perception.

Men want practical. How it looks is secondary at best.
Women want appealing. "It's all in the presentation".

You had to laugh!

ladybug said...

I have been laughing for 2 days - but I have also been scared - my 15 year old boy arranged the cups the same way his mother did - YIKES -