Friday, May 9, 2008

Our last visit to Duke Hospital?

This morning as Gail and I were walking through the tunnel from the parking garage to the hospital I mentioned that this could/should be our last visit there.

I don't know how many times in the past 5 months we have made the drive, either together or separately, but it's been a lot. I don't know how many hours we've sat in waiting rooms and hospital rooms, but it's been a bunch. I don't know how many meals we ate in the hospital cafeteria, but they were too many!

I also don't know how many new friends we've been blessed with around the world because of what's taken place at Duke, but they've helped us through it with their prayers and encouragement. We've also come to appreciate the medical community in a new way as well. Duke is the best.

We've been privileged and blessed to be part of a family God has chosen to use to demonstrate His kindness and power in a global way. Who could have imagined? He wanted to do something amazing, and that He chose our family to be the outlet is a humbling thought. And while it's been the most trying time of our lives, I can say we wouldn't trade it for the world.

With Gwyneth's surgery today and expected discharge next week our visits to Duke should be over. That's a good thing - the best!

Goodbye to "The Hole". Goodbye NICU! Goodbye 3rd floor. Goodbye 7800! Adios elevators and gowns and hard chairs and latex gloves!

Hello to getting back to a new normal. Whatever that now means. Anything from here on out will be a piece of cake.

I hope!


Missy said...

congratulations on this newest and most special of family milestones!

Andy Lawrenson said...

I still think there should have been a "the hole" t shirt.
It will be cool when everyone is back home and the new "normal" falls into place.