Friday, February 29, 2008

The Church and the Boy Scout motto

Recently while meeting with our church's leaders I said something like this: "I don't know what God's going to do in our church this year, but I expect great things and I want us to be ready."

That's so not like me/us. We're supposed to be the leaders. I'm supposed to be the "lead pastor". Aren't we supposed to know just what we expect God to do?

Since the first of the year I've learned a bunch of God things. One of them is that we don't have to know all the answers; all the next steps; all the stuff. And the reason we don't have to know them is because He already knows them. It's His call as to whether or not He shares our future, whether it's tomorrow or next November with us.

Our call is to be prepared to follow; to act; to obey. And for Type A's like me, that's asking a lot. I'm the leader. I want to be able to say, "Here's what God's going to do". Wait a second. I'm really not the 4th person of the Godhead, am I?

So what do I expect God to do? I expect God to be Himself and to show Himself in and through us IF we'll allow Him to do His thing through us. Because if we don't, I also expect Him to find someone else to do it through.

So, hold up your right hand. Bring your pinky and your thumb together at the palm. And say, "Be prepared".
For what? I have no idea. But I know His plans are good. I also know they're often surprising. And that's what makes it so intriguing.


Matt said...

Nice post.

I've been working on the mission statements for both churches and I'm going to work hard to make sure the first thing is that we participate in what God is doing.

God's mission is to reconcile all things to himself in Jesus. Our job is like you said be ready to follow where he leads.

Kit Trotter said...

Excellent post Rick! Thanks for the transparency and honesty - it's a good thing to see in church leadership.


Debbie said...

One truth I have learned on this journey, when you think you know what tomorrow will bring you are putting your faith in your own abilities.
The most precious truth I have learned this year is found in Psalm 46:10
We don't have to know all the answers like you wrote but following His lead will absolutely bring you to where He wants you to be.

Rick Lawrenson said...

Potent stuff, Deb.

CFHusband said...

I think that's what "Catch The Wave" is all about...?

Roxanne said...

I believe that's why David calls the Word "a light on our path and a lamp to our feet"... that way we only see the next step or two, not the whole way to the end of the road. Not being a Type A, and being very distractible to boot, that suits me fine!

Andy Lawrenson said...

I have a weird hand problem and can't make my hand do the pledge thingy.
But I'm doing it in my heart. :)