Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday Flashback

It started out as a hot, humid summer day. By early afternoon the temp had dropped 15 degrees, but the bottom dropped out of the clouds! A month's worth of rain today for sure!

Matt Glock and I started a 4 weeker today on the topic of holiness. Lots of positive feedback about the team teaching today. Today was "Our Holy God", talking about the foundation of holiness and trying to give it a definition we can all wrap our minds and bodies around. Next week we'll move to talking about personal holiness.

The band followed the teaching with an awesome first time song - "What Do I Know of Holy?", and followed that with "The Revelation Song". Great songs to help us focus on what we just heard.

Our summer time guests are so awesome. Not only do they fill the house, but they bring an objectivity to what we do, and are so encouraging to us. It was good today to see Beth and her little girl for the first time. She started coming on vacation back when she was a little girl. And Erin L. was with us today, too. She came down to help out with yesterday's surf camp. Lots of others, too.

I took Gwyneth upstairs to see the progress on the Kids Zone. The drywall is 90% hung. What a great addition this is going to be to our children's ministries!! Thanks to all the volunteers who are pitching in.

If you've been following the blog or the podcasts during the Moses series, you know that we've featured original art from Amber Elwood to illustrate. An 11x14 print is now available showcasing all of the art she's done. I got one today that will hang in my office. When we figure out how to make them available online, we'll do so. It really is well done. Otherwise, stop by NHC and for a donation to Amber you can get it.

Every Sunday I revel in the contributions of service our church partners make. They selflessly volunteer their time to make church possible on a weekly basis to over 600 attenders. Now, that's not a huge number compared to a lot of churches, but then they typically aren't serving more than three times their membership every week either. NHC is a wonderful family, indeed.

We're gearing up for Operation Back Pack! In less than two weeks we'll turn our building into a distribution center to give away school supplies to needy families. It's all donated, either by our church partners or by friends. And it's a wonderful way to give back to the community and share and show Christ's love.

1 comment:

Terry Gray Sr. said...

How Great was Sunday's service? I think it was the best yet! The message was fantastic, the songs were even better then ever, if you can believe that, and the crowd was very charged up. I saw folks dancing, singing and praising God in every row, It was a very good sight to see. I am thankful to God for opening my eyes to be better able to see his glory and will be done.