Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nobody knows the troubles I've seen...

Do you have those days when you just want to get in the car (or for me, truck) and take a long drive away from it all? They come often if and when you deal with people.

Don't misread me. I'm a "people", too. And not the easiest in the world to deal with.

But somedays you gotta wonder, "OK God. What's the deal. Do I really deserve this?" You know, someone did something you didn't like. Someone forgot to follow through. Someone looked at you cross-eyed. There's an elephant sitting in the room. Whatever. But none of it really is stop the world and get off stuff. In fact, I don't think I've ever had one of those.

Then I stop and consider what others are dealing with; things that truly would not only rock my boat but likely capsize it. And it's then I'm a bit ashamed of my little pity parties.


~j~ said...

I hear ya, loud and clear...
it's those times that i just put get out the white flag and surrender

Debs said...

It may very well be that the reason things affect you that way is because you DO KNOW what some people are dealing with and it makes you less patient with those others who don't seem to see the seriousness in life and responsibilities.
Glory to God who provides us with vehicles and gas under $3!

Momof2bz said...

Given what life has been the last year it's a wonder you don't have many pity parties. My kids are little and I always find myself running to their defense. I can only imagine the protective sheild that you'd like to put around your family now. As one who counsels others in their faith, it must be extremely difficult for you now. I personally feel that a pity party is in order every now and then. It is only when you truly open your eyes that perspective comes into focus. You have inspiring faith and an amazing family. We'll all be praying for you and yours and for a silver lining to that cloud that you are under. Hopefully the sun will shine through soon and God will smile on you all.

JonesFam4 said...

It IS amazing how there's always someone worse off. Or in a spot that they can deal with, but you wouldn't be able too. And when it can't get worse, there's always Job...praying for your family.

Unknown said...

It is what will make you most effective as a Pastor, father, father-in-law, husband, communicator, granddaddy, etc.

It's the ones who pretend they never have a bad day, and that all of life is "just blessed like a basket full of peaches" that fail to connect with anyone around them.

Feel it, call it like it is, then handle it with grace - like you do... all the world will appreciate it.

00 said...

when I have moments where I'm like "God, did I really deserve that ________ (insert crummy situation) I'm always quickly reminded that I didn't deserve all the GOOD stuff that's happened in my life either.

Mrs Redboots (Annabel Smyth) said...

It happens. You have needs just as much as everybody else, even when you have it easy compared to some. After all, even God rested on the seventh day! Do allow yourself some space - if you feel guilty taking some, remind yourself that you need it to function efficiently as a pastor!

Blessings From Above said...

That is a great lesson, one I need to be more aware of. Thank you.

amanda said...

in case you didn't already know your church was mentioned in this article on MSN