Friday, June 20, 2008

The Girls of Gloucester

The high school at Gloucester, MA has an unusually high number of students who are pregnant. This story played on the news today.

What caught my attention is how all the talk is about the problem being the school's. Students are "making a pact" to have babies. They're supposedly sleeping with whomever just to have babies. What's the school going to do about it? What?

Hey. Since when did the school become their parents? Who gave the schools the authority to control the moral choices of the community's youth? Read the article and you'll notice that the responsibility of the girls' parents is virtually a non-issue. In defense of the school system, I think the news people are asking questions of the wrong people.

As Earl Pitts would say, "Wake Up America!". Your children belong to you, not to the schools.


Barb said...

Amen and amen! I am fed up with those who blame our schools for the evils of the culture. The schools are only as good as the kids they receive. They cannot and should not be expected to fix/improve kids whose parents don't properly train, teach, and nurture their children. That IS our job....

Ann said...

As a teacher in training, a Christian and and a parent I really worry about our schools and society. Schools are expected to pick up where the parents have dropped the ball in raising their children so now in addition to making sure we make Annual Yearly Progress put forth by NCLB we also have to teach morals and values. Where are the parents? I could go on forever but I'll stop now.

Christina said...

Strange that they did not mention the parent at all. You have to think about where the parents are and why they did not get involved in their child's life to know what was going on. Parents put to much on schools now a days...I did not get my morals from school my parents gave me my morals and values.

Christy said...

AMEN! When my mother in law found out that we were pregnant, she made 2 comments. First was, how will you take care of a kid when you all can't take care of yourselves. 2nd - This is your kid, you will raise it. At the time, I thought that was a little mean sounding. I have every intention of raising my own kids. Now, I understand. This area is bad for letting the neighborhood raise their kids. They just turn them loose and let them walk the roads. It is crazy. I can't imagine. Then, they sit back and wonder why they are on drugs or pregnant. Temptation is easy to bow down too, especially when your roots are shallow. We really need to start raising our own children again and placing faith, morals and values high on the list. We are even asking our kids to not "date" in todays sense of the word. They will meet girls in public places with others around to get to know them. This way, they won't have to subject theirselves to being able to break under the pressure. Of course, we are praying now for the right spouse for each of them. I guess, this could be considered my soapbox. My husband works full time and I stay home and homeschool our kids so we can raise and train them in the way they should go.

Bonnie said...

WELL SAID! As a teacher in a public school,I feel they have bound our hands to discuss anything that has a moral basis unless is it cloaked in a cape of acceptance for whatever personal choices that people make. We can't fix America alone. Can we have an impact? YES! but the family has to step up to the plate.

John and Michelle said...

Amen Rick!!

Apple said...

Can you hear the cheers coming from our livingroom?

Andy Lawrenson said...

Total agreement! How is the school going to stop this? Where are the parents?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Same thing applies to church, "Fix my teen", "Teach my child".

Parents must step up to the bat. I think that some don't know what to do or how to respond so they have to point the finger somewhere so why not at the school.

Apparently the media is afraid to point to the parents and ask, "What are you doing about it?"

~*~Bre~*~ said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I am a teacher, and am constantly blamed for the actions of my students! If someone swears, I get blamed, if someone is disrespectful, I get blamed. Anything that the kids do wrong I GET BLAMED!!! I continuously ask myself how on Earth I am the one that gets blamed for the child acting the way they do. Do I teach the kids to swear? NO! I don't swear at my own house, let alone swear at school where I'd lose my job that I NEED in the matter of a couple seconds. Do I teach the kids that fighting and being disrespectful to adults is acceptable? YOU BET NOT! But, as soon as a referral is written, the blame is right on me "Well, what are you doing in the classroom to allow this behavior to happen?" EXCUSE ME? What am I doing in the classroom? It's called teaching. Shouldn't you be asking what the PARENTS are doing at HOME to cause these actions by their children? Because if you see the parents out in public, it's 100% apparent where the children get their ridiculous nonsense from. However, I get the blame for it, even though none of them reside under my roof. I teach them Math, Science, Social Studies, and Reading. Not swearing, fighting, lip sucking, eye rolling, back talking, and having a bad attitude. It gets a little frustrating because I am in there doing my job, the parents don't support us at home, they teach their children the disgusting things that they come to school and do, and I get the blame. If I was being blamed for my own child doing any of this, I could understand that. But, none of these kids are my own. My child would never act like that in her entire life because if she did, she'd never see daylight again. But, I am paid to teach these kids a subject. I'm not paid, and am not allowed, to teach them morals. I can't tell them that their actions make Jesus sad, and that they need to remember that He is always there, and can see everything that they're doing. Then, the sad thing is, when something good comes out of a classroom, that isn't even recognized. It's constantly negative, and we're constantly blamed for things that we should never be blamed for. It's so disheartening because I love teaching, and I love knowing that I am educating our future. But, I get to the point each year when I wonder how much more I can handle. It's situations just like this that cause me to start to rethink my dream and my passion. It's not my fault (or any other teacher/school's fault) that the children behave in the way they do. If their parents were held responsible and they were more than just a welfare check to their parents (I sadly see this wayy too much), then maybe something would change. But, until the parents learn respect, learn how to act, learn how to raise their children, and learn to actually care about their kids, their children are going to continue acting this way. :(

~*~Bre~*~ said...

Sorry... can you tell this subject infuriates me just a LITTLE??? :o) I'll hop down off my soapbox now!

The Beaver Bunch said...

I have not seen it, but I've heard from several of our youth that the movie Juno is, in their words "So Cool."

Wonder if that has sparked any of this? And, yes, I agree the parents should take some responsibility.

Dirkey said...

The thing that gets me is the community is pushing for more readily available birth control for minors (funny when girls can't even get tylenol). They made a pact to get pregnant I'm pretty sure that the readily available birth control wouldn't make a big difference to them.

Emelie said...

I live in MA., & was disgusted by the whole thing. Where are the parents??? To busy with themselves thats where they are. UGH!!

CFHusband said...

Somebody mentioned it above, but you should rent "Juno"...a very interesting look at teenage pregnancy.

How the church responds, in fact, how we respond in our comments here to stories like these says a lot to the direction out country will continue to move on issues like this one.

Emily said...

I could not agree more!!! I am so tried of parents getting the easy way out and not taking ANY responsibility for these people they brought into the world. This story is so disturbing!

Jane said...

ditto to momwriter's comment...all are good, but hers is short and to the point.

my husband and I want to know why it is that tax dollars are going to pay for pregnancy test, when music, art, athletic programs are being cut!?!?!

Kacy Jean said...

And my family questions why I homeschool! My husband and I have both shared this comment to each other at one point or another over the past almost six years since our oldest daughter was born..

"Its my job as a parent to screw up my kids..and if anyone is going to do it its going to be me." with that being said; I would never intentional do anything that would harm my children, or give them a lack of morals and compassion... We teach our kids don't talk to strangers and then we send them to a building of strangers and expect those strangers to love our children like we can. It makes me sad as a society that when this doesn't happen (Big surprise there) we blame those same strangers.