Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Because the church is organic it has life, and that life is expected to grow and flourish. My experience has been that for that to happen the church has to occasionally (maybe even consistently) go through periods of transition - movement from where we are now to where we need to be tomorrow. Otherwise we'll stay the same. You know the saying, "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always had" (or something like that).

In my 16 years here we've been through at least 4 major transitions that have brought us to where we are today, not including the transition from an old traditional building to a new, modern contemporary one. I almost forgot about that, and yes, that's a big transition. But in my heart I'm sensing that we're on the brink of another transition here - that to becoming a truly "missional" congregation.

It's already happening. We can see the wave coming and are beginning to paddle. So hang on for the ride. Transitions are always exciting!

Sure, we'll lose some who choose not to paddle their boards and will choose to miss the wave. That's sad. It's painful. But it also always happens in a transition because it's necessary. The gain and the realization of looking more and more like what Jesus envisions us to be far outweighs the loss.


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