Sunday, August 26, 2007

Looking back at this morning

At 7:20 I got a call from Andy: "The lights in the auditorium won't work". Oh well! So we scrambled setting up some can lights around the stage and kept the doors open to let in some natural light. Then when Fred arrived early for his ministry on the hospitality team I found him a screwdriver and he went to work. Turns out one of our dimmers has a short in it, but he got the lights on for half of the room. So, it wasn't too bad.

We really missed the summer vacationers today! After next weekend and Labor Day we'll get to get "back to normal" again. But summer is such a great time for us. The added energy we get from the vacation worshippers is awesome.

Buddy's video testimony worked so well with the message from the Prodigal Son parable. Really drove it home. And the music fit perfectly. Great job!

In the second gathering I asked for those desiring prayer in response to the message about the urgency of returning to lift their hands and they went up all over. I pictured the heavenly Father seeing many coming home, and His eagerness to welcome them back. It was a great response to a powerful parable.

A family from Connecticut made it a point to meet me after the second gathering. They were stoked to have found us (on the web!). Then their oldest son stayed a bit to share with me how God showed him his "older brother" attitude.

It was also great to hear that several of our guys are leaving this week to go to Findaly, OH to assist flood victims.

Next Sunday we'll be in the third week of this series, looking at the parable of the Good Samaritan and The Urgency of Caring. If you're checking out the podcast, leave a comment and let me know how it's working for you.

1 comment:

CFHusband said...

Good Blog!!!

I actually feel like summer is "normal" with the high's going to be tough to go to two much smaller services in that big room, IMO. Here's praying that our church grows with local newbies this fall/winter/spring!
