Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday Flashback

(Note: I've missed entering these posts the last few weeks and have been chastised for it!)

After a major weather event the wind has died down, the seas are calming (slowly) and the sun is back out. It was good to be back together for worship after such a dreary week.

Today was "Shoebox Dedication Day" for us. For 15 years Nags Head Church has participated in Samaritan's Purse's Operation Shoebox. This year we promoted it a bit more by using some of the excellent videos they provide each week for the past few weeks and by encouraging everyone to bring in their shoeboxes today. Burnie Staples, our Missions Pastor, explained the purpose behind the shoeboxes and introduce a powerfully gripping video story that illustrated how these simple gifts open doors to sharing the Gospel with children around the world.

The MP13 Band then stepped up and played "The Power of Your Name", Lincoln Brewster's challenge to confront the world's needs with Christ. And while they were playing those with shoeboxes brought them to the front, presenting them to the Lord. Burnie then led us in a prayer of dedication that the boxes would not only bring joy, but bring the Gospel. It was a powerful moment as we realized God can use little things to accomplish wonders.

My message today was the finale of "The Journey - Tracking the Life of Moses". I gathered comments from emails and our church blog on the lessons we learned from Moses' life and we listened to Buddy and Aleena read them as they were projected on our screen for all to read. It was rich. You can listen in, not only to today's message (which should be up by mid-week) but to the entire series on our podcast.

I met several first time guests today. A couple I knew. Another was invited by one of our ladies in the parking lot of CVS last week.

At the end of my message I also shared a story about going through the motions but never experiencing new birth. One of our ladies realized that her new life began a few years ago, and now wants to celebrate it with baptism. It's going to surprise a lot of people! But how many very religious people have never truly believed?

Great day today. Now I'll take the next two Sundays off to prepare a new Christmas series to follow.


Sharon said...

I have missed your Sunday Flashback posts. Glad it is back!

ZazFamily said...

We pray on the Pacific Coast for Nagshead Church, and reading your post gives us a view of God working, and answering prayer, I pray for you to behave and follow God's plan for your leaders and flock.