It was flip flop Sunday today. No, not because of what anyone wore on their feet.
Typically we begin each worship gathering with songs. Not today. I got up, gave a welcome greeting and went right into the message. Then we worshipped in song. Like everything we do, there was a purpose for the change. Likely we'll do it this way a few more times in the future, and hopefully the desired result will be achieved. But we do believe in mixing it up from time to time.
Today's message was the second in the series and took a look at the story of Elijah and how he came to journey for 40 days and nights to get to the mountain of God. There God reminded him of his purpose and sent him back home to fulfill his calling. Next time we'll go to the story of Jesus' 40 days in the wilderness.
Once again there was a bigger crowd (a pretty full house) at 9 and a lesser crowd at 11. In past summers we've never been able to have a consistently larger attendance at one or the other. This year is different for whatever reason. I'm not going to fry my little brain trying to figure it out. But it is interesting.
Too many doughnuts! Lots were left over after church, so I made a few stops on the way home making deliveries. But too many are better than too few. Another of the changes we made today was to close up the coffee bar 5 minutes prior to the start of the worship. That's likely to be ongoing. It seemed to help get folks in for the start of the gathering.
Frank told me they had 33 kids in Kidmo for the first gathering! Our Jr. Waverider team is the best. And I heard them several times having a great time!
I'm looking forward to the re-emergence of our worship choir. If you listen, we have a lot of good voices out there in the congregation!
I didn't look after 11:00, but my guess is that the 40 day x 96 prayer schedule was filled today!! Now we're looking for more host homes for Connection Groups and teams to form for prayer on Sunday mornings.
And it's always a treat to meet so many new friends each Sunday.
They were also maxed out in PK and then the walkers had a big group in the first gathering. When those walkers move into the PK group we will definitely need to be upstairs in the new rooms.
If you love Krispy Kreme you will let it go. If Krispy Kreme loves you it will come back to you.
That's what happened at the beach tonight. We shared hot dogs with the lifeguards and they gave us the Krispy Kremes that NHC gave them this morning, they couldn't eat them all.
Good Morning!
I know I could probably just peruse the internet and find out, but, could you give me a quick summary of 40 days of prayer and how it works?
Hey Dawn,
Shoot me an email and I'll tell you all about it!
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