Once again last week, we
were stunned with the heartbreaking news that a deranged mind entered a school
and slaughtered seventeen, mostly students.
It’s as though you could hear our collective gasp across the land.
No one would
disagree that it has become an all too often tragedy. Finding solutions, that’s where we
disagree. I’d like to suggest several
reasons for the increasing evil that has sadly become part of our fabric as a
nation. And, you’ll notice all are interwoven.
Growing up in
the late 1950’s and ‘60’s, I vividly recall a very different America. As we worked in those days to correct the
wrongs it seems we also worked, covertly as it may have been, to feverishly dismantle the rights.
First, we have
ostracized God from having any place in our country. When the courts ruled in the 1960’s that
sanctioned prayer could no longer be allowed in our public schools, a
chain-reaction started, going beyond simple prayer, that has grown continually until today. The outcome has become a disdain by the
courts and by governments that has moved a nation that at one time was
“God-fearing” to fearing anything that mentions the Divine.
Without a sense
that, as our Declaration of Independence said so famously, we are endowed
certain rights by our Creator, we have no moral base. Morals had to start somewhere. As a theist, I would contend that they began
with God who created us in His own image, instilling in us a sense of right and
wrong. Remove Him from the equation and
morals become relative. So, if it feels good, do it.
The next step in
our downward spiral was to declare, by the “sexual revolution” of the ‘60s that
marriage and family were no longer hip, thus tearing down the very basic
building block of society. In fact, government, in its efforts to eradicate
poverty, gave financial incentives to avoid marriage.
The result of
the breakdown of the family has been the rapid rise of fatherless
children. When the sperm donors no
longer are held accountable to be fathers, teaching, loving, and providing
stability in the home, the results, especially on boys are horrific. I’m told that a common thread that runs
through so many who have killed in our public schools is the lack of a
father. And if not a father, at least a
strong male father-figure. Who else can
teach a boy how to control himself?
Thank God for moms, especially single moms who are trying to do their
very best. But, boys need dads. By the way, so do girls.
In 1973 we then,
under the mantra of freedom, were told by the SCOTUS that human life was no
longer precious. With any logic, one can
follow the path opened by making the taking of innocent life legal. With every abortion (and there have been
millions) our national conscience has been hardened, little by little to the
value of all human life. Today countless
boys and young men spend hours each day killing in video games. And the result is a de-sensitivity to murder
and mayhem. If we see it over and over,
the shock value increasingly decreases.
Lastly, the
failure of “the church” to stand firm both for their long-held beliefs and
against moral decay in society. I put
“the church” in quotation marks only to be inclusive of all organized
religions. In fact, “the church” has often been its own worst enemy. As the mainline denominations have surrendered
to the waves of political correctness they’ve become less and less a source of
moral correctness in the world. Before
religion points its fingers at the irreligious, it first needs to look in the
mirror at its own failures to make a difference and speak with a loud, if necessary prophetic voice.
The bottom line
is that our schools are no longer safe as they once were, and the primary cause
is the breakdown of society. The media
and politicians will try to enact change on a purely legal, political level. But laws cannot change hearts. Only a return to God can make a difference
because that would be revolutionary. And
a moral, spiritual revolution is what is needed, and is our only hope.
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